About our Kiwanis club

Where do we fit in?

Kiwanis International consists of nearly 200,000 members belonging to 7,300 Kiwanis clubs in 80 countries. That’s a lot of people dedicated to changing the world, one child at a time.  Keeping that many diverse people and cultures focused on a goal requires an administrative framework.

Kiwanis Districts

Kiwanis International is divided in 53 Districts.  Our club belongs to the Pacific Northwest District, the largest geographic District in Kiwanis International.  Districts are administered by a Governor, a board of Lt. Governors, each of whom represents a Division, and a variety of elected and appointed positions. There are just over 7,300 Kiwanians in the mighty PNW District. 

Kiwanis Divisions

In order to make management of large Districts like ours possible, each District is divided into a number of Zones and Divisions.  Spokane County is located in geographic Zone C, and its clubs belong to administrative Division 46.

Kiwanis Clubs

There are now nearly 400 Kiwanians belonging to the following 14 Kiwanis Clubs in the Spokane County area:

North SpokaneHillyard
Northeast SpokaneDowntown SpokaneEast SpokaneWest Spokane
Medical LakeCheneyWest ValleySouth Hill
Spokane ValleyLiberty LakeAirway HeightsDeer Park

The Kiwanis Family

Kiwanis Clubs focus on changing the world by serving children, one child and one community at a time. To do this, many clubs also sponsor a Kiwanis family club—K-Kids for primary school children; Builders Clubs for adolescents; Key Clubs for teens; CKI clubs university students and Aktion Clubs for adults living with disabilities—to reach more people and have a greater service impact on their communities.
